so yeah, Despite what I said in my last 3 newspost, Im not dead or at least im not dead outside of NG,
So anyways, as you may have read on Duding's newspost, Im a part of @Dudingdarn 's Greedy Collab and im gonna be responsible of making some of the sprites there (not animating), specifically the Enemies (and their weapons):

yeah, they're Pirates, and They'll be working/fighting alongside duding's Bandits as the enemies for this collab,
I originally wanted to do ones based on Somali Pirates irl, but duding wants something like old fashioned pirates, so the ones I drew are a sort of a comprimise, which is a mixture of the 2. and I must say, this design idea really fits well with His bandit sprites (as they're gonna be fighting together).
And NO, I Won't be sharing these Pirate sprites Publicly, they're Exclusively for the collab.
if you want them, you better git gud at animating so you'll be accepted in the collab.
Also on another news,
I've begun drawing more weapons for my Weapon sheet:

This is because I plan on Updating my weapon sheet every once in a while by drawing more guns, and here are my current progress.
The ones Pictured are the H&K G11 PDW (NBW), the Boberg XR9-L, and the B&T APC-9.
I plan on Posting/Sharing my Updated weapon sheet on new year.
oh and one last note,
I may not be that active on NG, but im pretty active on discord, soooo, if you want to interact with me, just add me on discord,
im not gonna tell my Discord Tag tho, you'll have to ask certain people to know that, so you can add me.
so yeah, uhmn, yeah, cya this new year, and wish me luck so duding wont bully me in the collab server (tho he will and has already done so).